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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Question N0-01

A pleural aspiration on the 50 year-old women whose chest x-ray is shown below.


*Total Protein = 2.35 G/L
*Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH) = 156 IU/L
*pH = 7.36
*Microbiology (Gram stain and culture) = Nil Growth

What is the most likely cause of the effusion from your interpretation?

(a) Bronchial carcinoma
(b) Hypothyroidism
(c) Pneumonia
(d) Rheumatoid disease
(e) Pulmonary embolus


Answer Hypothyroidism

Pleural effusions are divided into exudates and transudates. This is based on the total protein content of pleural fluid.

Exudate = greater than 30 g/l of protein
Transudate = less than 30 g/l of protein

Exudates tend to be unilateral and trasudates bilateral due to the nature of the causative factors.

The X-Ray shows bilateral pleural effusions – albeit larger on the left. The aspirate analysis also shows a transudate. The only option within the list which causes a transudate is hypothyroidism.

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